Peer Review of Infographics

Peer Review of Infographics is an exercise for The Infographic Project, a module in Professional Writing, an undergraduate writing course.

Peer Review of Infographics provides structured questions you can consider when reviewing peers’ texts, including

  1. Responsiveness to the Assignment
  2. Story
  3. Design
  4. Visuals

[ Course Syllabus | Schedule | The Infographic Project | Design ]

Student Learning Outcomes

Becoming more aware of how and why visuals work will help you engage in visual literacy practices. By the time you’ve completed this module, you’ll be able to

  • employ design principles to improve the clarity and persuasiveness of your texts
  • write in a professional genre, particularly Infographics
  • Practice collaboration. Learn and apply strategies for successful collaboration, such as working and communicating online with colleagues, setting and achieving project goals, and responding constructively to peers’ work.

Assignment Guidelines

Note: Peer Review is conducted on an individual basis. Each class member is responsible for completing this exercise.

  1. Go to this gDoc and add the URL(s) leading to your infographic & design memo.
  2. Select two infographics and their corresponding design memos to peer review from this this gDoc.
    • Please do your best to select an infographic and design memo outline/draft that has not yet been reviewed by other students in the class.) You are not expected to edit your peers’ or other teams’ infographics or memos. Instead, you are expected to write a summary critique, a formative comment, to your peer that advises him/her/they on ways to improve their infographic and design memo.

Required Content

Address the following topics in your review of your peers’ infographics and corresponding memos justifying their design choices, please :

  1. Responsiveness to the Assignment
  2. Story, Purpose
  3. Design
  4. Visuals

Responsiveness to the Assignment:
Does the infographic meet all of the assignment guidelines?

Is it a data visualization infographic, an information infographic, or an editorial infographic?
Does the infographic have one original chart, table, or graph (i.e. one you created yourself)?
Does the infographic use a data visualization strategy from the Periodic Table of Visualization Methods to help the reader understand a complicated concept?
Does the infographic illustrate data in ways that help the audience understand what the data means (i.e. helps reader see “the story” in the data)?
Does the infographic cite at least three articles, books, blogs, or presentations on either design matters or infographics as a genre. Cite all referenced data sets.

Does the infographic tell an engaging, compelling story?

Does the infographic provide the necessary introduction, contextual information, and sources its audience needs in order to assess its credibility or act?

Do the Elements of Visual Design support or detract from the story? Does the author make strategic use of the Elements of Visual Design?

Does the layout (e.g., timeline, flowchart, hierarchical decision tree, comparison) support the story? Would another layout be more effective?
Does the color scheme make sense for the rhetorical situation?

Does the infographic provide the organizational schema and logical reasoning you need in order to understand the story?

Do the visuals make sense given the rhetorical situation for the infographic?

Are the sizes of the images appropriate given the role of the images in conveying the story.
Are images attributed appropriately? Used ethically?
Are images culturally sensitive?
Do original graphs and tables accurately reflect data?

Videos on Reviewing Infographics

The Most Common Design Mistakes Made by Non Designers



By Sunday 11/22,

  1. Select two infographics and design memos to peer review from this list at this gDoc.
  2. Write two 75 to 100 word critiques of the set of infographics and design memos you read. Post that critique both in your peers’ design memo and at the discussion post for this assignment via Canvas, the Course Management System.