Contract Grading Rubric – Labor-Emphasis

See So Your Instructor is Using Contract Grading… to better understand the goals behind a grading contract based labor.

A rangeB rangeC rangeD to F range
Class and one-one-one conferences attendanceAlways attends class and conferences and is rarely late for class (no more than one absence)Regularly attends class and conferences and is rarely late for class (no more than two absences)Does not regularly attend class and conferences and is sometimes late for class (no more than three absences)Does not regularly attend class and conferences and is often late for class (more than three absences)
Participation in peer response workshops, small group activities, and class discussionsFrequently participatesRegularly participatesDoes not regularly participateRarely participates
Focused on class activities and not homework from other classes, social media, etc.Always focused on class activitiesUsually focusedOften not focusedFrequently not focused
Classroom citizenshipAlways respectful to and considerate of peers and instructorRespectful to and considerate of peers and instructorSometimes disrespectful to and inconsiderate of peers and/or instructorFrequently disrespectful to and inconsiderate of peers and/or instructor
Peer response workshop feedbackPosts drafts and provides feedback to peers that meets all the guidelines in all workshops 

Post drafts and provides feedback in all workshops but a few peer responses may not meet the guidelinesDrafts or feedback is missing or does not meet the guidelinesDoes not post drafts or provide feedback
Reading response journals and other online tasksCompletes all journals and online tasks and meets all the guidelinesCompletes all journals and online tasks, meeting most of the guidelines (a few journals or tasks may not meet the guidelines)Some journals or online tasks not completed or many journals failing to meet the guidelinesMost journals and online tasks not completed or failing to meet the guidelines
ePortfolioMeets the “proficient” portfolio rubric guidelines in all categoriesMeets the “proficient” portfolio rubric guidelines in most categories Meets the “developing” portfolio rubric guidelines in most categoriesMeets the “needs improvement” portfolio rubric guidelines in most categories
Final exam Meets all the guidelinesMeets most of the guidelines Many of the guidelines not metDoes not complete the final exam 
A portfolio in the “Advanced” range of the UWP1 Portfolio Scoring Rubric will result in a “+” added to the final grade.
Meeting every criteria but one in a contract grade category will result in a “-“ grade rather than a lower letter grade.