
Add video to enrich or supplant printed texts.

New communication technologies enable authors to incorporate streaming multimedia into their webs.

Writers may provide video to:

  1. Underscore the content of the print text, illustrating key concepts.  For example, an agency hoping to secure funds for hungry people could show video of their living conditions.
  2. Illustrate the content of the printed text.  A researcher could provide video of people he or she interviewed.  A technical writer could provide a screen-movie to show users how to complete instructions.
  3. Inform or persuade people who respond more positively to an engaging speaker than printed texts.

Video Formats

Currently, three “players” are available for free that can play digital movies on your computer:

  1. Windows Media Player.  This player is a Microsoft tool so it prefers the Microsoft format (.avi), yet it will play movies in a variety of formats, including Quicktime.
  2. Real Player. When you got to Real.Com’s site, you may need to hunt around for a while before finding the free Real Player.
  3. Quicktime Player. Although Quicktime was originally designed to play Macintosh-platform movies, it now plays Windows-oriented movies as well.

“Video” was written by Joseph Moxley, University of South Florida