
LeEtta M. Schmidt


LeEtta M. Schmidt is the Copyright and Intellectual Property Librarian at the USF Tampa library, providing guidance and education to students, staff, and faculty on their dual roles as creators and users of copyrighted content; helping them reflect on that duality when making decisions on content use and licensing.

Schmidt served for four years as the Editor of the Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery, & Electronic Reserve. She is a member of ALA, FLA, and has published articles in CR&L News, The Journal of Academic Librarianship and the Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve.

Schmidt’s research areas include examining all barriers to information including, but not limited to, how international copyright laws affect library activities like interlibrary loan, how organizational differences hamper the access and use of information, and how current copyright law addresses the natural attributes of born digital materials.


Schmidt, L. (2024, September 18). Copyright – A Comprehensive Guide to U.S. Copyright Law. Writing Commons.