Sandie Friedman is an assistant professor in the University Writing Program at George Washington University. Since coming to GW in 2005, she has enjoyed teaching seminars with a variety of topics, ranging from film to writing studies, but her current course is her favorite: The New Vanguard: Women Writing Radical Fiction. Her work on teaching has appeared in Composition Forum, Enculturation, Inside Higher Ed, WPA: Writing Program Administration, and Writing on the Edge, among others. Recently, she published an article in the Journal of Literacy Innovation on labor-based grading as an antiracist practice. Her essays and fiction have appeared in publications including Ethel, The Nonconformist, The Nervous Breakdown, New Flash Fiction Review, and The Rumpus.
Assistant Professor of Writing
Sandie Friedman
- George Washington UniversityArticles:
Divide and Conquer: Rethinking Your Approach to Research
Finding the Bunny: How to Make a Personal Connection to Your Writing
Having trouble finding the motivation to complete assignment? This article reviews strategies for making a personal connection to any writing project—even those that don’t immediately spark your interest.