
Research-Based Student AI Policy Statement

Based on the scholarly research you have conducted throughout this semester, create an evidence informed AI Policy Statement. Beyond stating explicitly if/when/and how students can use generative AI tools for school work, explain the why your recommended policies. This will provide authority to your recommendations for critical audiences — students and teachers who want to ...

A slide that says, "How can writers compose with AI in ethical ways that uphold academic integrity, expedite composing processes, and improve the quality of reasoning and written communication?"

Team-Based Literature Reviews

This is a three-week exercise with two steps: Step #1: Integrate Existing Course Articles into a Review Working in teams, write a literature review that incorporates the sources we already referenced: Step #2: Establish Teams to Research Other Pertinent Topics Sign up for a Team. These should be new teams. Each team will engaged in ...

The picture shows students engaged in collaborative brainstorming.

How to Effectively Share Your Research Findings

The Creative Challenge – Report Research Findings & Reflect on Research Methods This final creative challenge consists of three major deliverables that build upon your earlier research proposal. The research findings report and the methodological reflection are equally weighted in terms of grading, with the peer presentation contributing to your overall assessment. Research Findings Report ...

How to Conduct Interviews

This is the fourth creative challenge that undergraduate students complete for Research Methods in Professional and Technical Communication, an undergraduate writing course. This assignment asks students to interview a student, a professor, and a professional writer regarding ways AI is changing communication practices.

Picture of two college students reading a book

How to Critique Research Questions, Reviews, and Citations

Introduction & Organizational Summary As explored in the previous creative challenge on key terms and research methods in professional and technical communication (PTC), different scholarly and professional communities have distinct epistemological foundations, research practices, and genre conventions. They have conflicting ideas about what knowledge is, how knowledge claims should be constructed or found, and how ...

This is a picture of a college student interviewing another student.

Key Terms, Concepts, and Research Methods in Professional and Technical Communication

The Creative Challenge – Visualize Major Research Methods Deliverable #1 – Individually-Authored Visualization Create an infographic or video that tells a story about these five major methods: Your visualization should help your readers understand that these methods are used by different research communities — and that these communities may hold distinct, even contradictory, assumptions about ...

While a presenter points to his presentation on a screen, a member of the audience raises a sign that says "Your results aren't generalizable!"

How to Critique Research Methods

The Creative Challenge For this project, you will from continue to analyze the three articles you selected from one journal for the second creative challenge. This time, rather than analyzing the research questions, literature reviews, and citations in the three studies, you’ll analyze the methods, results, and interpretations provided in the studies. Deliverables: Three 3 ...

This painting shows Sisyphus rolling a massive boulder up a hill

Research Methods – Creative Challenges

The course is structured around five foundational methodologies: Through these creative challenges, students will: This progressive approach allows students to build their skills incrementally, moving from critical consumers of research to active producers of knowledge in the field. By the end of the course, students will be well-prepared to engage with and contribute to the ...