Timelines & Flow Charts


Use visual brainstorming to develop and organize your ideas.

In 1765, Joseph Priestly created the now commonplace timeline. Priestly’s timeline depicted the lifespan of 2000 inventors whom he considered the “most distinguished in the annals of fame.”


In technical documents as well as magazine articles, timeline flow charts are exceedingly popular. Readers love chronological timelines, which graphically chart the emergence of an idea or concept. For example, you could draw a timeline of writing technologies or a timeline for the use of visuals inside texts.

Typically, timelines move from left to right or from top to bottom to denote the passage of time, as illustrated below.

When Are Timeline/Flow Chart Maps Useful?

Because they highlight the passage of time, timelines and flow charts offer a visual representation of how ideas, people, inventions, or processes evolve.Readers can glance at your timeline while reading your story, whether it’s about an inventor, or the emergence of a new technology.

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