Student Voices

A new initiative at Writing Commons, begun in the fall 2023 semester, Student Voices aims to provide a public forum for outstanding undergraduate writing. We are open to works of fiction or nonfiction. We welcome traditional alphabetical texts or multimedia. Your submission must affirm the writing was produced as required coursework.

Van Gogh's 'Starry Night' — a masterpiece born from a mind that saw the world differently. Just as art benefits from diverse perspectives, educators must appreciate neurodivergent students for their unique and valuable ways of interpreting the world and composing.

Dear Students,

We are pleased to announce the publication of our first three articles for “Student Voices,” a new initiative at Writing Commons that aims to provide a public form to celebrate outstanding undergraduate student writing.

Student Voices” serves students and writing programs by providing a public forum for undergraduates to publish outstanding works of nonfiction, fiction, and multimedia. SuDetails below.

Our first three publications for Student Voices are two “Dear Professor” letters and one analytical article on the benefits of studying rhetoric as an undergraduate student:

  1. Navigating Teacher Feedback – A Student’s Perspective
  2. Neurodivergence, A Call for Openness to the Needs of Neurodivergent Students
  3. Why Study Rhetoric? – A Student’s Perspective

To be considered for publication, at the top of your page list your name and email, and the title of the course you took, course number, name of teacher, and email of teacher.

Topics are open: students may advocate for change in a teaching method or policy. For instance, they may suggest academic integrity and dishonesty polices given the emergence of AI. They may share insights they’ve gleaned about mindset, research, style, or writing processes. They may talk about their growth and labor as writers.

To increase the likelihood of having your work published at Writing Commons, we encourage you to


Cassandra Branham, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Director, Center for Communication and Digital Media
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Megan McIntyre, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Director, Program in Rhetoric and Composition
University of Arkansas

<a href=httpswritingcommonsorgsectionsharing publishingstudent voicesattachmentstudent voices 3main>Celebrating Student Writing at NIU © Michael Day<a>


Gladwell, M. (2008). Outliers: The story of success. Little, Brown and Company.

Newsroom and Editorial. (n.d.). New York Times Opinion Guest Essays [Newspaper].

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