Rhetorical Devices

Rhetorical Devices refers to languages rhetors use to invoke strong feeling or emotions. to help an audience visualize and understand an event or statement of facts to bring joy, excitement, inspiration, and pleasure for readers to inform, entertain, and persuade Note: This is an article stub at Writing Commons, the home for writers, https://writingcommons.org. If ...

Rhetorical Stance

What is Rhetorical Stance? The Rhetorical Stance is Synonymous Terms Related Concepts: Audience; Footing; Positionality; Rhetorical Analysis Wayne Booth’s Model of The Rhetorical Stance In 1963, Wayne Booth introduced the concept of the rhetorical stance in a brief academic essay that he published in an academic journal for Writing Studies: “The common ingredient that I ...

Rhetorical Reasoning

What is Rhetorical Reasoning? Rhetorical reasoning is an analytical process. Rhetorical reasoning, from the perspective of the writer or speaker, is the act of sorting through different rhetorical moves, and then deciding on a course of action, a rhetorical stance. Writers engage in rhetorical reasoning to determine the best way to respond to an exigency, ...

Writer, Speaker, Knowledge Worker . . .

Writers, Speakers, Knowledge Workers . . . are authors. They are symbol analysts: they use symbols (e.g., alphabets, sign language, computer codes) “to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute” (UNESCO 2006). They use language, media, rhetorical analysis, and rhetorical reasoning to communicate. Related Concepts: Agency; Composing; Information, Data; Literacy; Rhetoric; Rhetorical Context; Semiotics Writers, ...

A severe dust storm changes road conditions on a highway / John Read

Occasion, Exigency, Kairos – How to Decode Meaning-Making Practices

Occasion, exigency, and kairos are cornerstones of effective communication, guiding how you construct and deliver your message. Occasion (the rhetorical situation) is the larger environment or event that prompts a response, exigency is the urgent issue that needs addressing, and kairos is the opportune timing for your message. As a communicator, grasping these concepts helps ...

Intrinsic Authority

Intrinsic Authority refers to Related Concepts: Appeals to Authority; Authority (in Writing & Speech); Critical Literacy; Ethos; Fallacious Ethos; Interpretation, Interpretative Frameworks; Intrinsic Authority; Substantive Prose Style Aristotle, who coined the term “ethos,” said that “persuasion is achieved by the speaker’s personal character when the speech is so spoken as to make us think him ...


Exposition is a mode of discourse, a way of categorizing texts by purpose or aim. When writers or speakers engage in exposition, their purpose is to inform readers or listeners about a topic. Texts that are categorized chiefly as acts of exposition are also called Expository Writing. Key Terms: Expository Writing; Modes of Discourse; Styles ...

Rhetorical Modes

What are Rhetorical Modes? Rhetorical Modes refers to Synonymous Terms For short, the rhetorical modes may be referenced as the modes or the modes of discourse. More broadly, rhetorical modes may be referenced as Related Concepts: Purpose – Aim of Discourse; Rhetorical Reasoning The concept of modes of discourse was introduced by Samuel P. Newman in ...

Procedural Knowledge

Procedural/Tacit Knowledge (Knowing How)Procedural/Tacit Knowledge pertains to knowing how to do something, even if you cannot exactly explain how you do it.  Sometimes you just know how to do something. Maybe it’s riding a bike, playing a musical instrument, driving a car, or speaking your native language. At some point, someone may have told you ...

Declarative Knowledge

Declarative Knowledge is explicit knowledge about facts, histories, ideas, topics, principles, and concepts. Declarative Knowledge is the sort of knowledge you learn from school or textbooks, encyclopedias, scholarly journals, and trade magazines. Declarative Knowledge involves knowing that something exists (definitional knowledge) or is true or false (propositional knowledge) Synonyms: Conceptual Knowledge; Definitional Knowledge; Explicit Knowledge; ...