Ethical Challenges & AI Usage

Mike Palmquist is Professor of English and University Distinguished Teaching Scholar at Colorado State University. Prior to returning to his role as a faculty member in the 2020-’21 academic year, he served for fourteen years in various university leadership roles, including founding director of the Institute for Learning and Teaching (TILT), director of CSU Online (CSU’s Division of Continuing Education), and Associate Provost for Instructional Innovation. His scholarly interests include writing across the curriculum, the effects of computer and network technologies on writing instruction, and new approaches to scholarly publishing.

His work has appeared in journals including College English, College Composition and Communication, ADE Bulletin, Computers and Composition, Kairos, Written Communication, Across the Disciplines, The WAC Journal, Journal of Writing Analytics, Writing Program Administration, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, and Social Forces, as well as in numerous edited collections. Since 1992, he has coordinated the development of Writing@CSU ( Since 1997, he has served as founding editor and publisher of the WAC Clearinghouse (, a publishing collaborative that provides open-access to more than 200 open-access scholarly books, more than 20 refereed journals, and a wide range of instructional and professional resources

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