Roberto S. León is an assistant professor at Georgia College & State University, where he serves as teaching fellow coordinator. He has also served as an administrative fellow in the University of Maryland College Park academic writing program and writing center; and as a tutor trainer in Brigham Young University Hawai’i. He has taught a variety of EAL, writing, and rhetoric courses, including oral fluency, first-year writing, technical writing, and comparative rhetoric. He researches composition theory and history, as well as writing pedagogy education.
Assistant Professor
Roberto León
- Georgia College & State UniversityArticles:
Counterarguments – Rebuttal – Refutation
Ignoring what your target audience thinks and feels about your argument isn’t a recipe for success. Instead, engage in audience analysis: ask yourself, “How is your target audience likely to respond to your propositions? What counterarguments — arguments about your argument — will your target audience likely raise before considering your propositions?”