Knowledge Claim

Knowledge Claims are the topics, the scholarly conversations, that subject-matter-experts have with one another as they engage in research or discuss the knowledge claims of others. Knowledge claims are grounded in dialectic – the ongoing conversation of humankind. Knowledge claims may be grounded in theory, dialog, and hermeneutics. As humans learn more about the universe ...

Cover Letter, Letter of Transmittal

A cover letter is the front page of your employment packet. Your cover letter is a miniature argument in which you explain how your specific skills meet the employer’s requirements for the position. What are the conventions of a cover letter? The cover letter has a particular, expected format. It will always begin with the ...

Instructions & Processes

“How is this done? How can I do this?”– These questions guide authors as they describe processes. Learn how to write instructions and processes so that readers know how to do something or understand how something is done. By viewing sample process texts, note the focus on the objective voice, numbered steps, visual rhetoric, and ...


Presentations are a genre of communication. People make presentations in daily life, school settings, and workplaces. Presentations come in a variety of shapes and sizes. A presentation may be given to a single person. Typically, however, presentations are given to groups of people. Presentations can occur in multiple communication channels, including ftf meetings video conferencing ...