Writing Process

Inner Speech – How to Trust Your Writerly Voice

What is Inner Speech? Inner speech refers to the silent, mental dialogue that writers experience during the writing process. Writers actively listen to their inner speech while composing. During drafting writers are constantly asking themselves questions. They are in dialog with themselves throughout the process. Writers ask themselves questions as they engage in rhetorical analysis ...

The 7 Habits of Mind & The Writing Process

In the “Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing,” the Council of Writing Program Administrators, the National Council of Teachers of English, and the National Writing Project (2011) report on seven habits of mind that are “essential for success in college writing.”: Curiosity Curiosity is the driving force that compels individuals to explore and learn about the world around them. ...


Related Concepts: Critical Literacy; The CRAAP Test What is Rereading? Rereading refers to the process of carefully reviewing a written text. When writers reread texts, they look in between each word, phrase, sentence, paragraph. They look for gaps in content, reasoning, organization, design, diction, style–and more. When engaged in the physical act of writing — ...

Career Planning

Why is Career Planning Important? For American college graduates, work is a huge component of life. Besides providing sustenance, it may also give definition or meaning to one’s life. We also spend a lot of time at it. Hopefully, a college graduate will pursue a “career” requiring knowledge, skill, training and critical thinking, rather than ...

You cannot climb a mountain without a plan / John Read

Structured Revision – How to Revise Your Work

Related Concepts: What is Academic Dishonesty?; Academic Writing – How to Write for the Academic Community; Editing; Plagiarism; Proofreading; Revision; Rhetorical Analysis; Rhetorical Reasoning; Rhetorical Stance; Standard Written English; Style Structured Revision – How to Revise Some situations require substantive revision whereas others require moderate or light revision. For instance, Because every situation is difficult, ...