Writing Studies

Critical Race Theory – Beyond Myths: What the Debate Misses

What Is Critical Race Theory? “Critical Race Theory” (CRT), which is defined by Kimberlé Crenshaw’s intersectionality, is — at its most basic explication — a lens, a perspective, through which folks, traditionally legal and sociological scholars, examine race matters and power dynamics. Related Concepts Audience Awareness; Interpretation, Interpretative Frameworks; Literacy; Perspective; Research; Rhetorical Analysis; Rhetorical ...

NASA astronaut writing on the job

Workplace Writing

What is Workplace Writing? Workplace writing may refer to Synonyms Workplace Writing may also be referred to as Business Writing, Professional Writing, Technical Writing, Writing for Engineers, Writing in the Health Sciences Related Concepts: Community of Practice (Discourse Community); Persona; Professionalism; Rhetorical Reasoning; Rhetorical Stance; Professional Writing Prose Style; Styles of Writing; Tone; Voice Why ...

Scholarship – The Scholars – Textual Research Methods

What is Scholarship? The core of scholarship is the belief that knowledge is created through reading, writing, and debating interpretations of texts. Scholars focus on texts and dialectic—the process of reasoning correctly—to generate, test, and defend the knowledge they produce. Unlike scientists, engineers, or social scientists who look outward for evidence, scholars look inward, relying ...

Writers @ Work

Writers @ Work provides interviews of creative and nonfiction writers. Understandably, just about everyone would like to be more creative. When we see an awesome movie or read something that changes our thinking on a topic, it is understandable that we are curuious about the writer. Exploring the depths of the creative processes of successful ...

Psychology & Writing Studies

Since the 1960s, cognitive psychologists and learning theorists have explored why some people succeed or continue trying in the face of obstacles while others give up. Over time, researchers and theorists have identified five major distinct (but not mutually exclusive) personality traits. This scholarly conversation is often referenced as “the Big Five” or the “Big ...

Professional & Technical Writing Course

This course has four major projects: Project 1: Tailoring a Document for a Specific Audience You will work individually to develop a document for a specific audience, purpose, and rhetorical context.  For this project, you may be asked to: This project emphasizes:  Along with your documents, you’ll submit a project completion memo that reflects on ...

Communication Studies

Communication Studies is a field of academic study that explores human communication processes. Communication theorists use a variety of research methods and theories to explore how communication is produced and interpreted by individuals (intrapersonal competencies) and by co-authors, teams, and institutions and organizations (interpersonal competencies). Common research themes are Semiotics: How do people use verbal, ...

Composition Studies

Composition Studies is an academic discipline chiefly concerned with the study of composing a subdiscipline of Writing Studies. Scholars and researchers in Composition Studies (aka Compositionists) focus on investigating composing processes (also known as creative processes). Related: Composing, Writing, Drafting; The Writing Process In their introduction to Exploring Composition Studies: Sites, Issues, Perspectives, Kelly Ritter ...

Writing Studies – Portrait of an Emerging Field

Writing Studies, an interdisciplinary field, is chiefly composed of four major subdisciplines: Synonymous Terms Writing Studies may also be known as Related Concepts: Discourse Community, Community of Practice Literacy today is in the midst of a tectonic change. Even inside of school, never before have writing and composing generated such diversity in definition. (Yancey 2004, p. ...

Rhetoric & Technology

Rhetoric & Technology, a subdiscipline of Rhetoric, is a field of study concerned with the impact of technologies on communication processes. The internet and new writing technologies are revolutionizing people’s relationship to information–both in its production, use, and dissemination. Fake news, information silos, and the outright rejection of logic based on emotion and tribalism–these sorts ...