
Inner Speech – How to Trust Your Writerly Voice

What is Inner Speech? Inner speech refers to the silent, mental dialogue that writers experience during the writing process. Writers actively listen to their inner speech while composing. During drafting writers are constantly asking themselves questions. They are in dialog with themselves throughout the process. Writers ask themselves questions as they engage in rhetorical analysis ...

Like this murky, dream-like photo of Doubtful Sound, NZ, felt sense can seem dream like. There's this feel of deep meaning and yet its prelinguistic; its embedded in our bodies.

Felt Sense

What is Felt Sense? Felt Sense refers to Related Concepts: Inner Speech; Creativity; Invention; Tacit Knowledge; Writing Processes Felt Sense & Composing Sondra Perl, a professor of English and subject matter expert in writing studies, contends writers Thus, for Perl, composing is an ongoing, recursive process where writers consult their felt sense in order to ...

Commonplaces (Topoi)

Commonplaces (Topoi) are Related Concepts: Cultural Literacy; Intersubjectivity; Scholarship as a Conversation; Register Commonplaces, which Aristotle and the Greeks conceptualized as Topoi, are shared understandings among people. Thus, the commonplace is a rhetorical construct: it presumes a rhetor and an audience. For the Greeks, commonplaces included what had been said in the past about a ...

The Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas is an invention tool that is used by entrepreneurs to develop business propositions (aka business theses) an heuristic a model of core business processes a drafting tool an empirical method you can use to investigate the viability of business opportunities and entrepreneurial processes. Venture Design is a model of entrepreneurial processes ...


The term heuristic is derived from the Greek word heuresis, which means to discover or invent. Heuristics in contemporary discourse are exercises writers, speakers, knowledge workers . . . use to stimulate thinking about a subject, topic. Heuristics do not predispose a particular outcome but are instead meant to serve as points of departure. There ...

Preliminary Research

Preliminary Research is to early invention efforts people engage in to identify topics of interest. Writers engage in Preliminary Research during the early stages of composing in order to identify the scope of their investigation. Preliminary Research could involve discussions with friends about ideas. interviews with experts, bosses, clients, and teachers. scanning a wikipedia page ...

Invention – How to Realize Your Creative Potential

What is Invention? Invention is the act of creation. In it’s most pure form, invention refers to the moments when you create something novel, something that has never existed before. Invention may also refer to Related Concepts Believing Game; Composing; Customer Discovery; Growth Mindset; Openness; Prewriting Invention: 6 Definitions of Invention See below for a summary ...


Use freewriting to avoid writer’s block, stimulate your thinking on a subject, and find your voice. Freewriting involves writing without stopping. Your goal is to write whatever ideas occur to you, using a pen or pencil and paper or using a computer with the monitor turned off. When freewriting, your focus is to generate ideas ...

In the Moment: A Write-from-Experience Activity

This assignment asks you to craft a story based on personal experience. This is different from literary analysis or research paper assignments which ask you to open with a thesis to continually reference and support. Stories are constructed differently. Successful stories describe events in such a way that readers get to experience the story as if they were directly observing events. Consider the following when drafting, writing, and revising:

Place your readers into a significant moment you’ve experienced. Narrow your focus from the start. Select a story out of one, tiny, narrow corner of your life and avoid expanding on all the details around the story. Do not give us an introduction that explains everything before it happens. Let the story speak for itself and trust your readers work at discovering what your story is about. Try to drop your readers into the action of your story to create immediacy.