Aaron Swartz Award

What is the Aaron Swartz Award?

Writing Commons hosts The Aaron Swartz Award to celebrate the contributions of our authors who have published works using a Creative Commons license. Award winners are chosen annually by our team of content and review editors. To choose a finalist, our editors review and rank all of the articles published during the preceding year. We aspire to make this award annual, depending on submissions.

Related Topics

Contribute; Copyright; Intellectual Openness; Intellectual Property

Award Winners






  • Maggie Melo
    • Creating ‘Viral’ Impressions: Composing Infographics for the Classroom and Workspace


Who Was Aaron Swartz?

Aaron Swartz was a leader and activist for the open web and civic engagement. Swartz passionately believed that knowledge should be freely shared as opposed to locked behind paywalls. By launching the Progressive Change Campaign, Swartz helped raise awareness about meaningful online activism.

Learn More about Aaron Swartz